Drury Family Law wins a precedent setting case on Costs

Non-payment of over $100,000 in costs, is a "no-go" when seeking to appeal. Especially when the orders are from multiple courts, and directly related to the family law dispute.

Our client was successful in obtaining a significant number of costs awards from multiple courts, including the Court of Appeal. The opposing party continued appealing orders, without regard for the previous orders for costs. Our firm brought a motion for security for costs, requring the opposition to post the outstanding costs, and pay into court security for future costs, in order to continue with their appeal. We were successful on the motion. The opposing party appealed, and the appeal court also agreed that security was arranted based on the unique factors of the case. Read the decision here.

Appeals require experience and focused action

Appealing orders of the Court requires immediate action, to comply with statutory deadlines. Do not delay commencing an appeal, in order to potect your rights.

Our office deals with appeals in Ontario and Alberta, on family law related issues. Depending on the nature of the appeal, the timeline for addressing your concerns may be fast approaching. Procedural requirements to file documents with the Court of Appeal are typically strictly enforced. Contact our office today for immediate advice on appealing an order.

Specializing in Complex Family Law Disputes

Our Firm has successfully represented clients in high net worth property disputes. This is a unique area of Family Law that requires experienced counsel, that can assist in moving matters to an equitable resolution.

Families with significant assets may organize their affairs in a unique manner. Sometimes holding assets in corporations, trusts, and other investment vehciles. It is important, that clients understand the right to comprehensive financial disclosure. Our office has assisted in cases concerning trusts, holding companies, and corporations with complex structures.

Successful Win in the Court of Appeal

In a common law relationship, the contribution to the carrying costs of the jointly held home, were a consideration when determining the share from the sale of the property, following separation.

Our office successfuly represented a client seeking to recoup some of the money he paid towards the carrying costs of a jointly help property. The motions judge agreed and granted our client the amount of money he paid down on the jointly held mortgage. On appeal, the Ontario Court of Appeal agreed, and our client was awarded their legal costs.